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JP Elite is a professional triathlon team focused on providing athletes with a full-time world-class daily training environment. Our athletes aspire to compete at the highest level of professional triathlon competition, including the Olympics and Ironman World Championships. We are independently run and recruit high level athletes on our own and in partnership with USA Triathlon's Collegiate Recruitment Program. 


Competing on the world stage requires an all-in mentality from our athletes, which means training and racing full-time. I'm sure many of you have been following our journey on social media for the past couple years and we hope you can see the dedication and sacrifice the athletes have taken in order to achieve their goals. We have made tremendous steps forward and had numerous achievements, but our greatest successes still lie ahead of us. 

If you are interested in helping the team and our athletes we would be extremely grateful for your support. All donations go directly towards creating a world-class environment for our athletes. Donations will go directly towards items such as:

- Pool Rentals

- Professional Services for the athletes (Physical Therapy, Registered Dietitian Counseling, Professional Bike Fits, etc.)

- Athlete Travel and Lodging

- Shared Team Equipment (Bike Tools, Swim Buoys, Team Bikes, etc.)

Any amount of donation can make a big difference to our team and athletes. If you would like to donate to a particular athlete, you can make a note in your donation. If you would like to donate via a method other than PayPal, please contact us via the "Contact" tab above. 

To donate please just press the button below! Thank you!

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